I think that the mess of noise currently in my head drives the sort of "ominous" feeling of the title to this blog. Mr Faulkner won't mind if I borrow the combo of words for my teeny-weeny (thought fantastically awesome!?!) audience.
Blah, before I try to write more, I should remove my work "to-do" list from my sight. Currently it's sitting right in front of me on my desk, poking and taunting saying "Heatherererer...you know you should get started on those subsidiary tie-outs...". Yes, I shall move this list. I think back in my work bag it shall go. Away!
So far I've only written on super nice days. (You know, the BOTH time's that I've written.) This seems sort of, counter intuitive. Shouldn't I be sitting inside and writing during the doom and gloom of the those overcast and chilly "not quite raining but you'll get wet" days? I dunno. I'm an odd bird. And by bird I mean crazy-head. Ooo. I think I'll have some granola!
Mmmm, granola. It's Cocoa Beach by Kashi - SO GOOD. It's like eating not-nearly-as-naughty cocoa pebbles. My tongue is in so much love with this happy box of goodness! Look at the fiber content! My colon also sends it's thanks! Heh. I love fiber! *fist pounds the imaginary fist next to me in honor of fiber*.
So now really, back to the noise. I have this damn song stuck in my head "I kissed a Girl and I liked it". Stop taunting me, song! Why do you hate me! I mean, it's not a good song, not a bad song...I'm casually indifferent to the song. As a result, the Song has taken matters into it's own hands and is trying to win me over. I suppose that it feels the most effective way to do this is repetition. Boy, did the song underestimate me or what?
I woke up with the afore mentioned song droning in my skull. (Ginger doggy gave me kisses, that actually coaxed me out of dream land). I didn't dream about the song, though, and I didn't even hear it yesterday. I'm not a lesbian, SONG. So take that. Hah. That made me laugh a little.
Arg, odd. Now I have two songs rolling around in my head like a forced mash-up. The I kissed a girl song and this. Mostly the "Benny Lava" part. Ben introduced me to the slightly (often more than slightly) offensive practice of adding English subtitles to Indian Videos. The idea is not to translate them, but to subtitle the videos with what it SOUNDS like they are saying in English. I think that the word for this is apophenia; at least it is for those of us that don't speak the language in these videos. Ah, Benny Lava, why do you taunt me? I think that my new nick name for B will be "Benny Lava". For those of you reading this that see B on a regular basis, please greet him as such :).
Speaking of Benny Lava, let me tell you one of the reasons that I love him. He came home on Friday from work (I worked from home that day, perhaps another blog to explain why...later), and the first words from his mouth were, "Hi hun" (surprised?) and then, "I bought Ginger something!". He then showed me what he got for the pooters. He was so excited! He also showed me what he bought for the poor lab puppy on the corner that spends most of his day tied on a very short line to a tree, howling (I'm so close to calling the human society, again, maybe another blog). So yeah, how could I NOT love this guy? Seriously.
Oh, you know what? I forgot to mention the dream that I had. I got up while writing this and TOTALLY lost my train o' thought. I dreamt about band camp! I remembered how much I dearly loved rehearsal and couldn't wait to get back from lunch and back to playing. How much I hated when the last rehearsal of the day was over regardless of how much my face hurt and how much I knew my lips would be swollen in the morning and that new callouses would be building because of my teeth. I forget that part of myself; that intense need to play. I believe that it's currently in hibernation. With the current state of my teeth (the clear braces on the top row of teeth are enormous and I just CAN'T produce sound!) I have to give myself time before I begin to play again. Who knows, maybe this is good for me. I can only hope.
I think I'm done for now.
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